Myths & Musings

Who is Atabex?

Who is Atabex?

Today, on International Women's Day, we celebrate 13-15th century Taíno society, which was rich and complex. In fact, the participation of women was more just, open and unrestrained than that...

Helga Paris-Morales x İTÄ

Helga Paris-Morales x İTÄ

İTÄ Fine Jewelry is partnering with Helga Paris-Morales, professional dancer and choreographer of The Washington Ballet in their new “Be Moved” campaign that helps raise awareness for the Dallas-based philanthropic...

How “Macu” Got its Name

How “Macu” Got its Name

Our sparkly Caribbean evil eye borrows its name from a loose tale that has been passed on from generation to generation. The legend of Macocael gives us a glimpse into...

Message regarding COVID-19

Message regarding COVID-19

AS OF JANUARY 1, 2022, DELIVERY TIMEFRAMES IN THIS MESSAGE NO LONGER APPLY.   Dear Friends in Puerto Rico, Turkey, New York and beyond: We’re a small international operation— a...

Welcome Home…

Welcome Home…

Our goal is to bring joy, nostalgia, pride, strength and wonder—all in one enduring object you can hold in the palm of your hand.